Sarah Isaac

The Giving Kitchen Head Chef

Sarah Isaac

The Giving Kitchen Head Chef

With an exotic mix of family culture, I have been fortunate to prepare a wide range of flavoured dishes to feed my wonderful 8 children who share my passion for world cuisine.

Being born into a traditional Ashkenazi family I first went to school at Menorah Primary, then Hasmonean followed by a great year at sem in Israel, then after marrying my dear husband Zack who is from a traditional Sephardi family, we spent some years living in England, America and then Israel before finally returning to England some ten years ago. 

As our children grew older, I started coming to ‘the cooking club’  firstly as a volunteer and shortly afterwards I was honoured to be offered and then take up the role as the Head hef of ‘The Giving Kitchen’. From the outset, I have been blessed to work with the wonderful GIFT team who alongside our dedicated and always enthusiastic volunteers have always supported me in our important enterprise, which lies at the very heart of the GIFT philosophy.

As a tight knit team we have been able to create a warm and loving environment, which makes me feel that even when I am at work I am at home!  

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